Appointment Information

Congratulations on wanting to improve your health!

You will find specific telemedicine appointment information here.
Please see the FAQ page for answers to frequently asked questions.
Please see Make a Payment to make a payment.


Telemedicine Appointments


for patients who live in CT, KY, OH, and VA.

You are now able to attend your appointment

from the comfort of your home without the need for traveling!

Patients are loving the multitude of conveniences with telemedicine!  Some schedule appointments while at work without needing to take vacation days. Some attend from home in their pajamas and comfy slippers.  All save money at the gas pump and time with travel.  The health care is exactly the same whether you are at home, at work, or sitting at our desk. 

is the use of electronic information and communication technologies by a physician to deliver health care services to a patient via a secure telemedicine system (HIPAA-compliant Zoom) comprised of both audio and video elements when the patient is located at a different site than the provider. 

Dr. Bazylewicz can only offer telemedicine for patients located in Connecticut, Kentucky, Ohio, and Virginia where she holds active medical licenses.

Appointments will be scheduled on most weekdays mornings. No appointments are scheduled on weekends. 

We see patients initially, at one month, then two months later, and then at least every 2-3 months while on active treatment in order to monitor you closely.  If your health is considerably compromised, then monthly follow-up appointments are recommended.


In order to provide better service for you, Dr. Bazylewicz does not accept any third party payments from any sources including but not limited to private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, Workers' Compensation, injury lawsuits, etc. You are responsible for all interactions with your third party payers.

She will provide you with a receipt after your appointment that you can turn into your insurance company (except Medicare and Medicaid) for reimbursement. Most insurance companies (except Medicare and Medicaid) will reimburse you  on an out-of-network basis.  

Also, most insurance companies (including Medicare and often Medicaid) accept laboratory testing and prescriptions written by Dr. Bazylewicz

Appointment Fees

Please see the Make a Payment page to easily make a payment.

Regular Appointments

You do not need to stay on the Zoom call while we get your prescriptions, receipts, lab orders, etc ready for you.  You are free to resume your daily activities while we finish up administrative tasks related to your appointment.

New Visits (TWO HOURS: 90 min telemedicine + 30 min administrative): $450

Extended Follow-up Visits (90 MIN: 60 min telemedicine + 30 min administrative): $350

Follow-up Visits (ONE HOUR: 30 min telemedicine + 30 min administrative): $275

Special Visits

Special Visits (such as really recent tick bite):  please contact us for fees and more information.


In order to schedule an appointment, please read this page, the Cancellation Policy page, and the Frequently Asked Questions page. 

Then, fill out the Appointment Request Form.

The adult patient must make his/her own appointment using his/her own email address unless physically, emotionally, or mentally impaired. 

Then, Dr. Bazylewicz will email you back with appointment options.

Appointment Reminders

A friendly reminder email with your Zoom link will be sent to you prior to your appointment. 

Please confirm your appointment as soon as possible by replying to the reminder email. 

Telemedicine Procedure

We have stream-lined the process to make it easy for everyone and to keep costs as low as possible.  

Please see the New Patient section if you are a new patient, and please see the Follow-up Patient section if you are a follow-up patient.



A.  Welcome Packet

B.   Official photo ID - driver’s license (just photo side) or passport (just photo page).

  • Complete the Welcome Packet (single sided, no staples). 
  • Only return the Medicare page if you have Medicare. 
  • Some sections may not specifically apply to you now, but please return them at this time in case they are needed in the future.
  • If the appointment is for your minor child, then ALL parents/guardians must sign the paperwork; you can use your photo ID.
  • The Welcome Packet and the official photo ID must be mailed to 26 Dover Trail, Coventry, CT 06238 or emailed to as an attachment
  • They must arrive within 10 days from making your appointment and at least 48 hours prior to your appointment in order to hold your appointment for you. 
  • Please do not send previous office notes. 
  • Please do not mail certified or insured or signature or any other way that requires us to visit the PO in order to avoid a $125 pick-up fee.


  • Please arrange pertinent and most current labs/tests in order by dates with the most current on top (single sided, no staples).  We do not need years of the same repeated labs.
  • Please mail them to 26 Dover Trail, Coventry, CT 06238.  We will not open lots of emailed links.
  • Any labs and tests should arrive at least 10 days after making your appointment  and at least 48 hours prior to your appointment so we can prepare for your appointment.  (If they do not arrive in time, then we will discuss them at your next appointment - not a problem.)
  • Please do not send previous office notes. 
  • Please do not mail certified or insured or signature or any other way that requires us to visit the PO in order to avoid a $125 pick-up fee.


  • Please see Make a Payment page to make a payment using your credit card or selected digital wallets. 
  • Payment is due within 48 hours after scheduling your appointment in order to hold your appointment for you.


  • Please use the unique Zoom link that you were sent in your reminder email to enter the waiting room prior to your scheduled appointment. 
  • Check that your audio and video are working.
  • Dr. Bazylewicz will start the call at your appointment time. 
  • If you experience problems at the time of your appointment, email or call 937-444-4385.
  • After the conference, Dr. Bazylewicz completes and sends you the treatment plan including your receipt by mail.



A.  Medication and Supplement List (single-sided)

B.  Symptom List (single-sided)

C.  Patient Registration (only if your contact information has changed)

  • These forms must be mailed to 26 Dover Trail, Coventry, CT 06238 or emailed to as an attachment.  
  • They must arrive at least 48 hours prior to your appointment so we can prepare for your appointment.  
  • They are needed even if "nothing has changed" or if you are "not taking anything."


  • Most labs ordered by us will come directly to us from LabCorp or Ulta Labs.  However, if you have labs and tests that were done by another provider or hospital, or if we do not get the results, then follow these procedures.
  • Please arrange labs and tests in order by dates with the most current on top (single sided, no staples) 
  • Please mail them to 26 Dover Trail, Coventry, CT 06238.  We will not open lots of emailed links.
  • Any labs and tests should arrive at least 48 hours prior to your appointment so we can prepare for your appointment.  (If they do not arrive in time, then we will discuss them at your next appointment - not a problem.)


  • Please see Make a Payment page to make a payment using your credit card or selected digital wallets.  You can also mail a money order (NOT a check) if you prefer. DO NOT USE PAYPAL.
  • Payment is due at least 48 hours prior to your appointment so we can get your chart ready.


  • Please use the unique zoom link that you were sent in your reminder email to enter the waiting room prior to your scheduled appointment. 
  • Check that your audio and video are working.
  • Dr. Bazylewicz will start the call at your appointment time. 
  • If you experience problems at the time of your appointment, email or call 937-444-4385.
  • After the conference, Dr. Bazylewicz completes and mails you the treatment plan including your receipt.

We look forward to helping you travel the healthy path!

Let food

be thy medicine, 

and medicine 

be thy food.  




Your word

is a lamp

to my feet

and a light

to my path.

~Psalm 119:105



The secret of health

for both mind and body

is not to mourn for the past,

worry about the future,

or anticipate troubles,

but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.

~Buddha (paraphrased)

