Healthy Air

Healthy air in our homes and buildings is essential to our health.

Air is rather important.  We cannot live more than a few minutes without air.  But not just any air.  We need healthy air for our vitality.

Air carries moisture, electrical charges, heat, and gases - mostly nitrogen and oxygen, which means that air quality is related to humidity, electrical charge, temperature, and proper balance of natural gasses.

Our second skin is our clothes and our third skin is the indoor climate of our buildings.  Unfortunately, our fashionable clothing and our modern homes contain many toxic materials which off-gas dangerous chemicals.  Then, we breathe these toxins in with every breath. 

Many of these chemicals cause a variety of symptoms including headache, fatigue, short-term memory loss, nervous system problems, respiratory issues, depression, anxiety, and more.  Also, many of these toxins are carcinogenic.

Common contaminants in the air of our indoor environments include the following:

  • formaldehyde
  • volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs)
  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
  • pesticides
  • asbestos
  • combustion gases
  • lead
  • radon
  • polluted outdoor air
  • bio-aerosals (mold, mildew, bacteria, dust mites, animal dander, pollen)
  • and more!

So, what can we do to improve our air quality?

Here are some easy actions that you can do immediately:

  • minimize moisture so that mold, mildew and bacteria do not grow
  • ventilate home well
  • control dust and dander
  • use sealed HEPA vacuum
  • use mattress covers to protect from dust mites
  • use organic linens and pillows
  • check radon levels and mitigate if needed
  • stop using air fresheners which just pollute the air
  • stop using dryer sheets which just pollute clothing
  • use essential oils rather than pesticides
  • get an IQ Air HealthPro Plus Air Purifier for each bedroom and family room

Dr. Bazylewicz uses an IQ Air filter in her office and bedroom.  They filter ultra-fine particles with the HyperHEPA filtration technology, and they absorb off-gassed chemicals.  As a bonus, they are quiet, too!

And here are some more involved,  but important, tasks:

  • avoid flame retardants
  • avoid synthetic clothing
  • avoid plastic furniture
  • avoid particle board furniture which is filled with toxic glues that off-gas
  • remove carpeting and use natural materials for flooring
  • mitigate lead from lead paint in older homes
  • replace mattresses with no/low VOC and no/low formaldehyde mattresses

Yes, this list is rather daunting! And it is just a few suggestions! 

We often take our air quality for granted, but our home air is actually way more toxic than outdoor air pollution!  And many people have developed multiple chemical sensitivity from continual exposure to these contaminants. 

Creating healthy air will help your health!

Let food

be thy medicine, 

and medicine 

be thy food.  




Your word

is a lamp

to my feet

and a light

to my path.

~Psalm 119:105



The secret of health

for both mind and body

is not to mourn for the past,

worry about the future,

or anticipate troubles,

but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.

~Buddha (paraphrased)

